Spare & Replacement HRSG Parts.
At Vogt, we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality HRSG replacement parts delivered in a timely manner. We maintain a variety of stock items available for immediate shipment in order to handle your emergency needs to minimize your shutdown and repair time.
As a leading OEM, Vogt provides the best in HRSG aftermarket parts, inspections, turnkey retrofits, and solutions. Our reputation and innovation creates unique opportunities to work with equipment vendors, securing the best quality and overall value for replacement parts. Vogt is the top heat recovery supplier in the USA, operating globally.
We Offer:
- Bellows
- Diverter and Stack Dampers
- Expansion Joints
- Gaskets
- Hot Torqueing Solutions
- IMTEC Access Doors
- Instrumentation
- Pipe Supports and Silencers
- Spare Part Programs
- Steam Drum Internals
- Steam Drum Manway
- Steam Sample Nozzles
- Tubes (Bare and Finned) and Tube Plugs*
- Valves and Valve Parts
- Viewports
- Water Level Gauge & Guided Wave Radar